Day 19: #BlogLikeCrazy – Health is Wealth
One of the most important yet most neglected topics is the world is our health.
We go through the motions, ignoring pain, ignoring sickness, ignoring the lack of sleep, ignoring the depression, and ignoring the signs of something not feeling as it should.
In doing so, more damage is caused.
Not only do we ignore the pain, whether it be physical or mental, we also fail to maintain at least yearly check-ups and physicals with our doctors.
Most of us may even fail to have a primary physician.
We neglect our health, OFTEN.
Today’s #BlogLikeCrazy topic is entitled Health is Wealth as a means to change our perspective on HEALTH.
You see, your health is honestly one of the most valuable things that can be maintained.
The maintenance process is easy for some and difficult for others but, the maintenance process also determines your QUALITY OF LIFE.
In neglecting your health, your quality DECLINES significantly.
We live a life that is less than because we refuse to take care of the one thing that will preserve our limited presence on this earth.
The annual exams that should be scheduled will vary according to age, sex, family history, and sometimes race.
However, here’s a quick summary on what anyone 18 years of age or older, especially those sexually active, should consider on an annual basis as an adult.
o ANNUAL PHYSICAL: This exam usually involves a routine physical checkup and bloodwork. The bloodwork will be determined by your physician according to your age and any issues that come up during your visit.
o PAP SMEAR / PELVIC EXAMS: This exam usually screens for cervical cancer and HPV and should be conducted on any sexually active woman. You should also request testing for STDs/STIs during your annual visit. Any irregularities with your cycle and abnormalities with lady parts should also be disclosed.
o EYE EXAM: If you’ve noticed any changes or declines in your vision, consider scheduling an eye exam and begin to have routine visits on an annual basis. If you wear contacts or glasses, an annual eye exam should already be on your list.
o DENTAL EXAMS / CLEANINGS: Dental exams and cleanings usually occur on a semi-annual basis and monitors the health and wellness of your teeth and gums.
o ANNUAL PHYSICAL: This exam usually involves a routine physical checkup and bloodwork. The bloodwork will be determined by your physician according to your age and any issues that come up during your visit.
o TESTICULAR / PROSTATE EXAM: This exam is to test for any signs of prostate and testicular cancer. If you are a man that is sexually active, I’d also recommend that you request testing for STDs/STIs during this exam or your annual physical.
o EYE EXAM: If you’ve noticed any changes or declines in your vision, consider scheduling an eye exam and begin to have routine visits on an annual basis. If you wear contacts or glasses, an annual eye exam should already be on your list.
o DENTAL EXAMS / CLEANINGS: Dental exams and cleanings usually occur on a semi-annual basis and monitors the health and wellness of your teeth and gums.
Other items that should be considered but will vary according to your family history and sex include mammograms, blood pressure monitoring, thyroid conditions, insulin deficiencies and blood sugar surveillance.
As you age, so does your body, so if you are a person who is 40 years of age or older, colonoscopy, bone density, coronary, hearing, cholesterol and ovarian screenings should also take place.
Although we’ve talked very heavily about physical health and wellness exams, I’d be remised if I did not also include your mental health.
If you are experiencing issues with depression, anxiety, mood swings, have a family history of mental illness such as bipolarism or schizophrenia, experienced traumatic life events, struggling with codependency, multiple failed relationships, lack of stability, social anxiety, drug or alcohol abuse, sexual assault, etc., then seeing a mental health professional should also be included in your wellness assessment.
I’d like to add that even if you are not experiencing or have never experienced issues with any of the items above, it is still GREAT to seek the help of a mental health professional to increase your self-awareness and improve your emotional intelligence.
The frequency of your visits and treatment plan will be individually assessed and established by your mental health professional such as a social worker, counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist.
It is important to seek the help of a Mental Health Professional according to your specific needs.
Much like not going to a Dentist for an Eye Exam is the type of approach that must be taken in regard to your mental health.
There are several mental health professionals with specialties so that he or she can better serve you. Do your research when determining who will work best for you.
When selecting a Mental Health Professional, you should always feel HEARD AND SEEN.
A great therapist will also give you homework and practical assignments to implement in your daily life.
It is important to remember that therapy is a marathon, never a sprint.
BE PATIENT with yourself and YOUR PROGRESS.
Before we go, let’s also talk about EXERCISE.
No one is saying daily gym visits need to be your thing, but physical activity also contributes to your health being your WEALTH.
A quick walk, a daily jog, light weights 2-3 times a week, or weekly group fitness classes all contribute to maintaining a healthy physical body and can also help improve your mental health as well.
Exercise is a great way to decompress and relieve any stress in your body.
2-3 days of physical activity can improve your quality of life in so many ways.
I know many of us do not run to the gym with enthusiasm but honestly, implementing regular physical activity in my life has been a game changer.
My body feels better, I sleep better, and overall, I feel amazing.
My relationship with the gym is not about weight loss, but about maintaining a healthier lifecycle to aid in my quality of life.
I’m often asked the annoying question of, “what are your goals”, and my answer is always simple, “I want to be healthy”.
The answer confuses most who ask but the truth is, I never started working out because I wanted to look a certain way.
I started working out because my health depended on me doing so.
As a result, my quality of life improved significantly, and the “results” that are seen by many are just an added bonus.
No matter who you are or where you are, I want you to remember that this life you have is one of VALUE.
Your HEALTH is YOUR WEALTH because nothing else matters if you are not taking care of the one thing that aids in the success you desire, YOUR BODY.
Generational wealth cannot be built by a person who fails to take care of themselves. The wealth that you build will be temporary if you are not taking your health seriously.
No man knows the day nor the hour, but that day and hour can come much faster if you neglect your health.
So, consider this your message to strategize on how you perform your personal health assessment before the end of 2022.
Figure out what exams need to take place according to your age and family history, schedule the exams, and get checked out!
We only have ONE LIFE to live and ONE BODY to preserve.
Until Next Time, #KeyInspires.