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Day 23: #BlogLikeCrazy – The Holidays Are Hard

The holidays are hard.

The holidays are a tricky, difficult, emotional, and joyful time of the year.

It is a time where we reminisce on the things that are not and the things that were.

It is a time where we are alone and focused on feeling the things we feel.

It is a time where we remember what we have and grieve what we don’t.

It is a time where we think of the fund memories and joyful moments.

It is a time where we think of the loss of loved ones.

It is a time where we think of traumatic events.

It is a time where we must face and confront our fears.

It is a time that is hard.

The holidays are hard.

The holidays are a tricky, difficult, emotional, and joyful time of the year.

It is time where we are reminded of our successes and our failures.

It is a time where we are questioned on our decisions.

It is time where we are praised but also chastised.

It is a time where our private matters are often in question.

It is a time where we are reminded of our body limitations like a ticking time bomb.

It is a time where we make new memories to replace the old.

It is a time of sorrow but also of joy.

It is a time that is hard.

The holidays are a tricky, difficult, emotional, and joyful time of the year.

The holidays are hard.

Until Next Time, #KeyInspires.


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